Men of Low Moral Fiber
Jason, Ben, and Corrigan play classic LucasArts video games (and related games) and talk about them. They cover the history, gameplay, and the most difficult puzzles from those old adventure games you love. Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Sam & Max, and Day of the Tentacle are all covered here, plus a few insights, interviews, and some snazzy music. Plus a bunch more of course. New episodes up monthly. Relive your youth or someone else’s!
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Side Quest: Double Fine Adventure Documentary
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Jason, Corrigan, and Ben all watched the 20-part documentary series "Double Fine Adventure" all about the making of Broken Age (see our last episode for more details on that game). It chronicled everything from the artwork to the development to the budget to the reception, and wow. It was jam-packed full of golden nuggets that we hope to distill down into a golden nugget reduction that's just to die for. Lots of hilarity ensues.
Also we announce the game we'll be playing for our 50th episode later this year. Check it out!
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Friday Apr 10, 2020
Ep 47: Broken Age - Who Let The Mogs Out
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
We're keeping it pretty fresh this month and playing a game that's only 5 years old! That's right. We're on it. And due to the terrible state of the entire world today, we're bringing you another Side Quest this month! Huzzah!!! Now to the episode at hand...
Corrigan, Jason, and Ben were all around twiddling their thumbs, so they dive right into the development (more to come on that later...), and got into the nitty gritty gameplay soon after (11:30). After a quick drink and some tunes (43:30), they talk about what else they've been playing and well, they've been busy (56:30). Eventually they talk about what we'll all be playing next month (77:15). Can't wait!
Hey there! If you thoroughly enjoyed this episode, feel free to rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you're listening to it. It's a lot easier than just telling a friend about this magnificent attempt at a pod. Thanks again!
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Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Side Quest: Year Of The Game — 1993 Edition
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
It's been too long since we've side quested, but we felt like this would be a fun series of quests. First up: 1993. And wow, what a roster of games from that year. Sit back and relax as Jason, Ben, & Corrigan take you for a trip down memory lane with some of the standout games from long, long ago...
Oh yeah, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend. Or better yet, feel free to rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you're listening to it. That'd be a big help. Thanks again!
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Monday Mar 16, 2020
Ep 46: Kentucky Route Zero - Talking To Toad
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
The trio is back! And we're diving into the newly-finished indie pentology of Kentucky Route Zero. Hope you were able to give this one a shot, because it's one of those rare truly unique and special games. And while each of us differed on our overall love for it, we all were blown away by different aspects of the game and had plenty to talk about in this episode--our longest episode EVER. So yeah...sorry? Or...enjoy? You decide!
We chit chat a bunch off the top, then quickly talk about some of the development (13:00) before getting into the radio drama that Ben so elegantly wrote and Corrigan and Jason so adeptly acted out (15:00). The gameplay talk goes on for far too long (20:30), before they play an unctuous round of "What's The Drink? What's The Song?" (64:00), talk about what else they've been playing, and chat about next month's game too (72:15).
And if you liked this episode, feel free to rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you're listening to it. That'd be a big help. Thanks again!
As usual, you can always find us at the following places:
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Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
We're welcoming back an old FOLMF this week to help us launch SEASON 5 of Men Of Low Moral Fiber, Tyler Weaver! He's joined us for previous Star Wars games, so this one was right up his alley. Hope you enjoy the show!
After a quick intro, we get into the development (4:00) which bleeds into gameplay eventually (18:30). Then we play some delicious WTDWTS (41:00), talk about what else we've been playing (48:45), and then forget to pick next month's game...until the VERY end. So enjoy that!
And if you liked this episode, please rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you're listening to it. That'd be a big help. Thanks again!
As usual, you can always find us at the following places:
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Sunday Jan 05, 2020
It's Our End Of The Year Spectacular!
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
We're only a week or two late with this episode, but hopefully it brings you some cheer as you settle back into your normal work/school/life weeks post-holidays. We had a blast recapping 2019 in this episode and handing out awards to the best, worst, and MOLMFiest games of the year, as well as looking ahead and dreaming about what joys 2020 will bring.
And stay tuned for our blooper reel at the end as well. Enjoy!
As usual, you can always find us at the following places:
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Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Our Top 10 Games of the Decade
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Hope you're having a great holiday season and great end to a wonderful decade--the decade that brought us all MOLMF! Okay, it hasn't all been beer and skittles along the way, but Ben and Jason are emphasizing their favorite games from 2010-2019. Give it a listen and let us know what's on YOUR list!
FYI: Our Holiday Special will be coming out later this week. Stay tuned!
As usual, you can always find us at the following places:
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Monday Dec 16, 2019
Ep 44: The Stanley Parable - WWB&JD
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
We're diving deeeeeep into The Stanley Parable this month as we debate whether or not we listen to that ever-present voice in our heads constantly telling us what to do. We hope you get a chance to play this marvelous game because even though the three of us differed on how much we liked this game overall, we each really appreciated different aspects of the game and it did some stuff we haven't really seen anywhere else. Anyway, hope you enjoy the pod!
After some cursory introductory jib jab, we talk about the development of the game (6:00) and our experiences playing through all the different storylines as well (10:30), before debuting a NEW SEGMENT (36:30)!!! Woot. Then play a little WTDWTS (44:15) and what else we've been playing (56:00) before telling you what we'll be playing for the next two months over the holiday break and into the new year.
See you in a few weeks for our holiday special!
Hey, btw... if you liked this episode, please rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you're listening to it. That'd be a big help. Thanks again!
As usual, you can always find us at the following places:
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Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Ep 43: Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - All The Cheats
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Tis the season... Star Wars season!!! There's a new Star Wars game coming out this month, and the last film in the Skywalker Saga coming out next month, so we figured why not play another classic Star Wars game from the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight/Kyle Katarn series? So we did!
We start off talking about the development of the game (3:30) and get into the gameplay pretty soon after (17:00). Then we play a juicy round of WTDWTS (37:45), talk about what else we've been playing (43:45), and then finish things with what we'll be playing next month. Can't wait!
Thanks again for listening! And if you liked this episode, please rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you're listening to it. That'd be a big help. Thanks again!
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Friday Oct 04, 2019
Ep 42: Among The Sleep - Get That Glitch
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Happy Halloween! It’s officially scary season here at MOLMF headquarters and we’re excited and terrified to play Among The Sleep. Wow…definitely a horrifying-at-times kinda game, but some really high highs for sure. Go get this for Switch and enjoy it like we did!
We pretty quickly get into the development of the game and the company behind it (5:00), then turn to the gameplay shortly after (18:00). Then we play some WTDWTS (39:45), talk about what else we’ve been playing (48:15), and what we’re playing next month (53:15)! [Hint: it’s another classic star wars game!]
Thanks again for listening! And if you liked this episode, please rate and review it in iTunes or wherever else you're listening to it. That'd be a big help. Thanks again!
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